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>> twt art.
>> twt.

basics —
cin • xin


> will post: retweets (art, some text, some memes), personal fanart, some personal thoughts

> not an nsfw account, but might interact with nsfw or suggestive content

> i don't always follow back

> please do not repost my art

> also please refrain from qrting my art if you can

> might be slow at interacting (dm, like and rt, etc.)

> i use caps lock often

> if ever i rt reposted art, please feel free to alert me to it! i will definitely delete the rt. if you could tell me the original artist as well that would be much appreciated!

> i do not currently have any merchandise nor is any of my art or associated work for sale!

>if ur muted or blocked it's probably because of powerscaling,,, sorry but i just really have no interest in it and don't like it on my tl

> capricorn, infp, 2w1

> aroace nb

> i use krita for drawing and a one by wacom small tablet

> sanji on my mind (ft. the rest of the strawhats)